Market Commentary

A collection of daily and weekly commentary and analysis of the equity and bond markets.

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Financial newsletters designed to provide helpful information on a wide variety of financial topics.

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Financial Calculators

Our financial calculators are designed as educational tools to help you estimate answers to common financial questions.

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Culov Wealth Management Updates: June 2024

Please see attached Culov Wealth Management Updates: June 2024

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Savings and Budgeting

Building a strong financial foundation starts with understanding how to save and budget. In the attached link you will find practical tips to manage your money, build savings, and achieve goals. This breakdown particularly helps the younger generation gain confidence in their current financial situation and work toward a comfortable future

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Culov Wealth Management Updates: April 2024 Edition

Please take a listen of our latest Updates! This time we make this issue more interesting by hosting an AI expert and presenting you with a selected questions and answers from that conversation. Staying with the AI theme, we decided to let it edit, correct, and present this issue of Updates for us. I hope you enjoy the feel and the voice of the AI presentation as we did. Future is coming, let’s not fight it, but use it in a most efficient and safe way we can! Attached, please find the audio file to listen to as well as the PDF transcript if needed.

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With 2023 in Rear View

After almost a full four years of suffering from long-Covid, this New Year seems to be positioning to be the year our economy and individual behaviors have finally recovered and turned to normal.

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Culov Wealth Management Updates: End of 2023 Edition

In this edition the team discusses a wide ranging array of topics including geopolitics, broad market commentary and the wealth management industry overall. Please enjoy !!

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US Dollar's Future

Threats to the U.S. dollar’s key-currency status are decades old and have included the 1971 collapse of the gold-exchange standard and the advent of floating exchange rates, fears of global banking collapse in 2008, and worries about U.S. policy miscues. None has removed the dollar from its leadership position.

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Culov Wealth Management Updates: June 2023 Edition

In this episode Emir Culov (Senior PIM Portfolio Manager), Matt Richards (Private Wealth Financial Advisor, CFP) and Mike Davern (Registered Portfolio Associate) discuss their current view and state of markets along with internal Culov Wealth Management updates. Enjoy!

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2022 In The Rear View – Back to “Normal” History

In this episode Emir Culov (Senior PIM Portfolio Manager), Matt Richards (Private Wealth Financial Advisor, CFP) and Mike Davern (Registered Portfolio Associate) take a look back at 2022 and share their view points of what is to come in 2023 for markets and the economy overall.

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Culov Wealth Management Updates

Culov Wealth Management Updates is intended to provide current updates on all things from markets to business operations.

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Fall 2022 Update

Our long-term outlook continues to be cautiously positive. It does feel that we are in the minority with our thinking these days, but there are more signs showing up that make us feel more comfortable with our view. We started this year focused on four themes poised to upset the rosy outlook felt by economic participants in the second part of 2021. These themes are still playing out, so let’s check on where we stand with each one of them.

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February/March 2021 Update

Spring is on the way. After sixteen brutal days of consistent below-freezing temperature in February, high thirties in Buffalo feel like it is time to get out and celebrate by cleaning our yards and garages. Vaccine production and delivery are ramping up, and with J&J vaccine approved its starting to look like most of us should be able to be vaccinated by the end of June. I can tell from our conversations that many of you already have plans for this summer, and that all of us are ready to get out there and start appreciating, even more, what life has to offer.

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With 2020 in the Rear View

There is no doubt that 2020 will be remembered and studied by historians, economists, anthropologists, and other scientists for many years to come. Some years become the markers for the big shifts in human history and it is highly possible that the last year will be one of those. I suspect many stories told in the future will start with “The Corona pandemic of 2020 caused…”.

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November 2020 Monthly Update

Even though this is 2020, with all its issues, we still have a lot to be thankful for. Thanksgiving like we’ve never had before was on last Thursday and with that, the Holiday season 2020 has started. in both directions. Work-from-home, online shopping, and remote learning continue to grow and expand their reach towards becoming our new normal.

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October 2020 Monthly Update

The stock market continued its zig-zag in large point-numbers during the third quarter. Technology sector was the primary driver of market movement in both directions. Work-from-home, online shopping, and remote learning continue to grow and expand their reach towards becoming our new normal.

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September 2020 Monthly Update

With summer 2020 behind us, we will remember it as the summer where we reconnected with our families and nature, leaving the big events and crowds for some time, later in the future. I hope you and your family are all doing well and have found a way to enjoy life under the Covid social distancing rules.

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June 2020 Monthly Update

This week, Western New York entered phase 3 reopening. It will feel good to see restaurants and store fronts with “open” signs on them and people getting back to the streets, while hopefully respecting the social distancing rules in place to keep us all safe.

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