Our Process

Your finances and investment goals are unique. We know we can truly understand them by working closely with you. We utilize our collaborative approach and apply the full breadth of our team’s specialists’ knowledge and experience to your situation. Our solutions for you will be flexible, focused on your best interests, and designed to help build and protect your wealth. Our relationships with families often span decades. We embrace our role as a long-term, trusted family advisor, operating in the tradition of a boutique family office to guide you and address a wide range of issues that arise over time.

Slide 1: Introduction

Slide 2: Discovery

Slide 3: Onboarding

Slide 4: Integration

Slide 5: Guidance

Investment Discipline

We believe discipline, focus, and experience are most important to the long-term success of portfolios. We first consider the purposes for your resources, your spending, your tolerance for risk, your tax situation, any upcoming liquidity needs, your time horizon and the desire to incorporate your social values into your holdings. Our job is managing the risk of not reaching our client- families’ goals first and foremost. By focusing on planning, risks/amount of risk that we are willing to participate in, we try to control the outcomes of both, clients’ accumulation and distribution phase of life.

Our Investment Discipline follows these seven rules:

  • Long-term investment philosophy
  • Build durable portfolios with prudent asset allocation with sufficient diversification
  • Maintain the portfolio through market conditions with tactical adjustments respecting the cyclical nature of the markets
  • Stay true to fundamentals to minimize mistakes in order to improve chances of success
  • Make new investments by a set plan and position in an economic cycle without overfocusing on current market activity.
  • Control the costs
  • Disregard the ego and always invest with client-family’s goals in mind